15. What are the hours of operation?
ABA services typically run Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 5:30pm and on Saturdays, 9:00am to 1:00pm, and our ABA groups run evenings and weekends. Our Intake Coordinator is...
14. What is AlphaBee’s commitment to professional development?
AlphaBee is committed to regular professional development for all members of the clinical team. We hold monthly team meetings with the entire AlphaBee clinical team during which current programming is...
13. How does AlphaBee ensure quality services?
AlphaBee is committed to providing quality ABA programs. Our senior clinical team consists of Clinical Managers, Clinical Consults as well as Clinical Supervisors. Your assigned Clinical Supervisor will oversee...
12. How do I fund AlphaBee’s services?
For those who are eligible, our services are aligned with the Ontario Autism Program requirements, and we have developed good working relationships with various government funding agencies. All...
11. Does AlphaBee require a formal diagnosis in order to access services?
No. We can help children and youth with a broad range of developmental disorder, with or without a specific diagnosis. AlphaBee works with children with a variety of diagnoses, including...
10. What age range does AlphaBee serve?
We offer a range of services to meet the needs of you and your child from 18 months to 18 years of age.
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